Just a Little Confused

Just a Little Confused

Imagine walking into the kitchen after your morning shower to make your morning coffee and toast, as you’ve done a hundred times before and realising that you didn’t know what to do! At least, you knew what to do but not the order to do things in. At 7:45...

It’s Just a Matter of Time

So how often do you say, “If only there were more hours in the day.” In my world, that would result in more hours to not get everything done. I think it comes down to time management. Some of us are good at it and others are terrible. I am more on the...
What about ‘well being’!

What about ‘well being’!

Lots of people talk about being healthy or being fit. When we hear that we generally think about our physical state. Well I do anyway, but how about well being. Someone’s well being. I’d like to think of well being as your overall state of being alive....
It’s My First Post …. Just Sayin’.

It’s My First Post …. Just Sayin’.

Hello and welcome to my blog. My reasons for creating these pages are many and varied but mostly, to provide a forum to just ‘shoot the breeze’. There is no agenda nor is there a theme. I hope for these posts to be therapeutic and entertaining. By nature,...